A few words about us and what we want to do:

Most people who visit our site are friends and already know us; but for the newcomers, hopefully soon friends to be.

Joop is 65 and has had various professions in care and welfare and in IT. Anne is 64 and has worked all her working life in care and welfare. We have also been active in the social or environmental fields for a long time. We both like to cook and apparently we do that well because everyone likes to come and eat with us. Joop likes to listen to classical music and Anne likes to join in. Anne likes to work in the vegetable garden; Joop doesn’t mind helping out sometimes with the bigger jobs and to help clean up what comes out of the garden. Joop has a model railway for when the weather is less good and Anne does Sudoku and Tectonic puzzles.

In the south of France, in the Pyrénées-Orientales (66), we have a house with an independent 2 room piece where we can accommodate people for a longer period of time. Reception and stay for friends, family, acquaintances and also just rental.

Furthermore, we are considering the possibility of becoming a place for Compostella walkers to spend the night and once in a while (once a month?) we would like to offer the opportunity to have dinner with us (for a fee).

Through this site (BLOG) we will keep everyone informed of our progress.